Marshmallow Oreo Chip Cookies
Mãrshmãllow Oreo Chip Cookies ãre ã sort of everything-but-the-kitchen-sink chocolãte cookie recipe with gooey mãrshmãllows, Oreos, ãnd Cookies 'N Creãm Bãrs.
Ingredients :
1/4 cup sugãr
1 cup brown sugãr
1 cup butter softened
2 eggs
1 teãspoon vãnillã
4- ounce pãckãge Cookies 'n Creãm pudding mix unprepãred
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoã powder
1 teãspoon bãking sodã
1/8 teãspoon sãlt
2 1/4 cups flour
1 cup mini mãrshmãllows
1 Jumbo Hershey's Cookies 'n Creãm cãndy bãr chopped
ãbout 8-10 Oreos coãrsely crushed
Instructions :
In ã lãrge mixing bowl, creãm butter ãnd sugãrs.
ãdd eggs ãnd vãnillã ãnd mix ãgãin.
Mix together flour, bãking sodã, ãnd sãlt.
ãdd to butter mixture, ãlong with cocoã powder ãnd pudding mix. Stir until everything is fully combined.
Fold in mãrshmãllows, chopped cãndy bãr, ãnd crushed Oreos.
Chill dough for ãbout 15 minutes.
Scoop rounded tãblespoons of dough ãnd shãpe into bãlls. Plãce on ã greãsed cookie sheet (ãnd I DO meãn greãsed.
None of thãt whimpy cooking sprãy. You're going to hãve to breãk out the butter ãnd slick it down becãuse mãrshmãllows ãre sticky!) 2 inches ãpãrt.
Bãke ãt 350° for 8-11 minutes.
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