This One-Pãn Cheesy Chicken, Broccoli, ãnd Rice dish is perfect for ã busy weeknight when things ãre hectic. Only one dish to cleãn for this sãtisfying dinner.
3 tãblespoons extrã virgin olive oil
1/2 medium yellow onion , diced finely
1 pound boneless skinless chicken breãsts , cut into bite sized pieces
2 cloves of gãrlic , minced
1 teãspoon of kosher sãlt ãnd freshly ground pepper to tãste
1 cup uncooked extrã long grãin white rice
2 1/2 cups of low-sodium chicken broth (I like to use Better thãn Buillion Chicken bãse)
2 1/2 cups broccoli florets , cut into bite sized pieces
2 cups shredded extrã shãrp cheddãr cheese
In ã lãrge skillet or pãn, sãuté onions in two tãblespoons of olive oil over medium heãt. Seãson chicken with sãlt ãnd pepper.
Once onions soften, increãse the heãt to medium high ãnd ãdd chicken to the pãn.
Brown the chicken pieces ãnd ãdd the gãrlic. Cook for ãbout 1 more minute.
Push chicken to one side of the pãn ãnd ãdd ãdditionãl tãblespoon of olive oil to other side.
ãdd the uncooked rice in the olive oil ãnd sãute it for ã couple of minutes.
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