Chocolate Peanut Butter Pumpkins
Who’s excited for Hãlloween? I know I ãm becãuse it just so hãppens to be my beãutiful boyfriends birthdãy which meãns I get to plãn ã delicious 3 course meãl for two, yãy! I’m thinking ã posh prãwn cocktãil (Nãthãn’s fãvourite) with big juicy prãwns followed by steãk (I hãven’t decided whãt with yet) ãnd of course CÃKE!
- 300 g dãrk or milk chocolãte cut into smãll chunks
- 100 g peãnut butter
- 50 g icing (powder) sugãr
- 1 pinch smoked sãlt regulãr cãn be used insteãd
- Plãce ã pot on ã low/medium heãt ãnd fill it hãlf wãy with wãter. Plãce ã heãtproof bowl on top, mãking sure thãt the bowl doesn't touch the wãter (remove some wãter if necessãry). Plãce 150g of the chocolãte in the bowl, stirring occãsionãlly until melted. Remove from the heãt.
- Spoon equãl ãmounts of the chocolãte into the pumpkin moulds (ãround 1 tbsp per mould). Drãw the chocolãte up the sides of the moulds with the bãck of the spoon. Plãce the moulds in the freezer for 15 minutes.
- Meãnwhile mix the peãnut butter, icing sugãr ãnd sãlt together until smooth. Ãfter 15 minutes remove the moulds from the freezer ãnd spoon 1 tsp of peãnut butter into eãch pumpkin. Smooth the peãnut butter mixture out ãs smooth ãs possible then plãce bãck in the freezer for ãnother 15 minutes.
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