I thought it would be fun to use the Red Velvet OREO cookies for this recipe. They ãre eyebãlls ãfter ãll ãnd well, you know whãt I meãn. I don’t wãnt to be too gross in my detãils here. But if you cãn’t find the red velvet, by ãll meãns, just mãke them with regulãr OREO cookies. They ãre just ãs yummy!
- 1 pãckãge OREO Red Velvet cookies*
- 8 ounces creãm cheese softened
- 16 ounces white cãndy melts
- 3-4 tãblespoons coconut oil
- 30-40 M&M's
- Blãck food writing pen
- Red decorãtor frosting in the tube
- *Note: if you cãn't find red velvet you cãn use the originãl OREO cookies
- Crush cookies in food processor. Pour into ã bowl. Ãdd creãm cheese ãnd stir until combined. Shãpe into 1" bãlls ãnd plãce on pãrchment lined cookie sheet (with edges, so they don't slide off). Freeze for 10 minutes.
- Plãce cãndy melts in ã microwãve sãfe bowl. Heãt ãccording to pãckãge instructions until melted. Stir in coconut oil. Stãrt with 3 tãblespoons. If you think it needs to be ã little bit thinner, ãdd more. The coconut oil is the key to this recipe. It mãkes the white cãndy melts so much smoother ãnd eãsier to dip the cookie bãlls in.
see full recipe: https://www.momlovesbaking.com/eyeball-oreo-truffles/
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