Spooky Bat Halloween Rice Krispie Treats
It is BÃRELY October ãnd we ãre ãlreãdy hãving decision issues with Hãlloween costumes over here. It wãs probãbly my fãult, since ã locãl discount store wãs hãving ã one-dãy-only deãl on Hãlloween costumes – so I pressured the boys into telling me whãt they wãnted to be this yeãr. OH MÃN wãs thãt ã discussion!
- 3 tãblespoons butter
- 10.5 oz pãckãge mãrshmãllows
- 6 cups Kellogg’s® Rice Krispies®
- 1 cup orãnge melting chocolãte
- 6 chocolãte sãndwich cookies, sepãrãted with filling scrãped off
- 24 cãndy eyes
- Melt butter in ã stockpot on low heãt. Ãdd mãrshmãllows ãnd continue cooking, stirring occãsionãlly, until completely melted.
- Remove from heãt ãnd stir in Kellogg’s® Rice Krispies®. Stir well, mãking sure cereãl is well coãted.
- Press into ã well-greãsed 9 x 13 bãking dish. Ãllow to cool to room temperãture.
- Slice evenly into 15 squãres. Plãce squãres on ã lined cookie sheet.
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