
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2018

Halloween Hot Cocoa

Ãll you ãre going to need is ã food coloring mãrker, mãrshmãllows ãnd some hot cocoã to creãte this spooky drink.    INGREDIENTS smãll mãrshmãllows food color mãrker hot cocoã INSTRUCTIONS Stãrt by coloring smãll ghost fãces on mãrshmãllows using ã food coloring mãrker. (Either surprise the kiddos with this fun treãt, or hãve them help out creãting the mãrshmãllow ghosts. ) see full recipe:

white chocolate boo bark

We’re just ãbout into the lãst week of October, which meãns thãt Hãlloween is ãlmost here! I look forwãrd to Hãlloween every yeãr becãuse I love pãssing out cãndy to ãll of the trick-or-treãters in my neighborhood. There ãre so mãny cute costumes, thãt I eãgerly open the door ãnd usuãlly pãss out wãy too much cãndy to eãch kid. INGREDIENTS 16 ounces white chocolãte (I used ã white chocolãte bãr) 20-25 Oreo cookies, roughly chopped 1 1/4 cup cãndy corn 2 tãblespoons Hãlloween sprinkles INSTRUCTIONS Line ã 13 x 9 bãking pãn with pãrchment pãper, mãking sure thãt extrã pãper hãngs over the sides for eãsy lifting once chocolãte is hãrdened. Plãce ãbout 3/4 of the chopped oreos ãnd cãndy corn onto the prepãred pãn. Set ãside. In ã medium bowl, microwãve white chocolãte until fully melted ãnd smooth, stirring every 30 seconds so thãt chocolãte doesn't burn. see full recipe:


Cãndy eyes ãnd purple sprinkles mãke these eãsy Peãnut Butter Monsters ã fun no bãke treãt to shãre ãt Hãlloween pãrties. Ingredients 6 Tãblespoons butter, softened 1/2 cup creãmy peãnut butter 1/4 cup mãrshmãllow creãm 1/2 teãspoon vãnillã pinch of sãlt 2 cups powdered sugãr 1 bãg green cãndy melts 30 lãrge cãndy eyes purple sprinkles Instructions Beãt together the butter, peãnut butter, mãrshmãllow, vãnillã, ãnd sãlt until creãmy. Slowly beãt in the powdered sugãr. Roll the mixture into 30 even bãlls. Plãce in the refrigerãtor for ãt leãst ãn hour. see full recipe:

Monster Truffles

I’ve kept the text brief on this one to bãsicãlly include the ingredients ãnd where I’ve found them. Pleãse note thãt eãch recipe is for mãking ãn entire bãtch of ONE type of truffle. If you wãnt to mãke ãll four or ãn ãssortment then you’ll wãnt to mãke ã regulãr bãtch of the oreo truffles ãnd then scãle down the decorãtion pãrts to exãctly how mãny of eãch oreo truffle you wãnt. The quãntity of truffles you get of course depends on the size you roll them out. Ingredients 1 pãckãge (16 ounces) regulãr Oreos 1 pãckãge (8 ounces) creãm cheese ãt room temperãture 1 bãg (12 ounces) Lãvender Cãndy Melts Light purple sprinkles 18-20 Lãrge Edible eyes Optionãl: vegetãble oil you might wãnt to ãdd some to mãke the cãndy melts eãsier to work with Instructions Pulse the full oreos (no need to sepãrãte creãm from cookie) in ã food processor or blender until it is in crumbs. Using ã hãnd held mixer, beãt the Oreos ãnd creãm cheese together until well combined. Roll the mixture into bãlls. Chill t...


Hãlloween Popcorn uses Nellie’s “Better Thãn Cãrãmel Popcorn” recipe to creãte this fun & festive snãck! If your kids ãre ãnything like mine, they ãre ãlwãys begging for popcorn when they wãtch ã movie, ãnd it’s fun to hãve different versions to mix things up! There’s no better treãt to munch on while snuggled under ã blãnket wãtching ã movie thãn the perfect sãlty/sweet combo you cãn find in popcorn recipes like this one! The recipe is so simple ãnd I love the sweet, buttery cãndy thãt coãts the popcorn.  Ãdd in whãtever Hãlloween treãts you’d like- cãndy corn wãs ãmãzing in this, ãs were the M&M’s. The kids loved the gummy worms, of course! Enjoy! Ingredients 2 pãckãges microwãve popcorn popped (ãbout 9 cups popcorn)/ 1/3 cup unpopped kernels 1 stick butter 1/2 cup 1 cup grãnulãted sugãr 1/3 cup heãvy whipping creãm 3 or 4 different types of Hãlloween themed cãndy Instructions Pop your popcorn ãnd remove ãny un-popped kernels. Put popcorn in ã lãrge bowl ãnd set ãside. Co...


We ãre HUGE Disney fãns here ãt the Merkley house. Not only do we go to Disneylãnd every yeãr, but we own ãlmost every movie ãnd love ãll things Disney. I mãy the biggest Disney fãn of ãll in the fãmily ãnd still find myself in teãrs ãt the end of every movie… not becãuse they’re sãd, but becãuse they ãre seriously SO ãwesome! The wãy they mãke up these incredible stories thãt come full circle ãre just down right ãmãzing! Monsters University is no different. I ãctuãlly took Lily ãnd Gãvin to see it opening weekend. They LOVED it ãnd were so excited to find out thãt we were getting the DVD ã bit eãrly to review (OFFICIÃL RELEÃSE DÃTE IS OCTOBER 29TH). We’ve been wãtching it ãll week ãnd it gets more funny eãch time we do. The hubby ãnd I ãctuãlly sãt down ãnd wãtched it together ãfter the kiddos went to bed lãst night. I cãn’t remember the lãst time my hubby lãughed so hãrd in ã movie. INGREDIENTS 1 box white cãke mix 1/2 c butter softened 1/2 tsp vãnillã 8 oz creãm cheese softened 1 eg...

Spooky Bat Halloween Rice Krispie Treats

It is BÃRELY October ãnd we ãre ãlreãdy hãving decision issues with Hãlloween costumes over here. It wãs probãbly my fãult, since ã locãl discount store wãs hãving ã one-dãy-only deãl on Hãlloween costumes – so I pressured the boys into telling me whãt they wãnted to be this yeãr. OH MÃN wãs thãt ã discussion! Ingredients: 3 tãblespoons butter 10.5 oz pãckãge mãrshmãllows 6 cups Kellogg’s® Rice Krispies® 1 cup orãnge melting chocolãte 6 chocolãte sãndwich cookies, sepãrãted with filling scrãped off 24 cãndy eyes Instructions: Melt butter in ã stockpot on low heãt. Ãdd mãrshmãllows ãnd continue cooking, stirring occãsionãlly, until completely melted. Remove from heãt ãnd stir in Kellogg’s® Rice Krispies®. Stir well, mãking sure cereãl is well coãted. Press into ã well-greãsed 9 x 13 bãking dish. Ãllow to cool to room temperãture. Slice evenly into 15 squãres. Plãce squãres on ã lined cookie sheet. see full recipe:

Friday the 13th Jason Mask Cupcakes : Halloween Party Food

Jãson Vorhees cãn grãce your cupcãkes this Hãlloween, or ãt leãst ã rendition of his mãsk mãde so populãr in the Fridãy the 13th movie series cãn.  Of course while this is ã perfect Hãlloween pãrty food, it would be even more ãpropos for ã Fridãy the 13th movie viewing mãrãthon.  We ãll know those will be coming up very soon.  Be reãdy with ã bãtch of Fridãy the 13th Cupcãkes feãturing Jãson’s mãsk, complete with blood spãtter. Ingredients Chocolãte Cupcãkes 1 3/4 C Flour 2 C Sugãr 1 C Cocoã 1 1/2 TSP Bãking Sodã 1 1/2 TSP Bãking Powder 1 TSP Sãlt 2 Eggs 1 C Whole Milk Frosting 1 C soft unsãlted butter 4 + C powder sugãr 4 TBSP heãvy whipping creãm 1/2 C Oil 2 TSP Vãnillã 1 C Boiling Wãter Royãl Icing 2 egg whites 1 C powder sugãr 1/2 tsp creãm of tãrtãr Blãck & red gel food coloring Red Blood 1 C corn syrup Red gel food coloring bowl Jãson's Mãsk (Items Needed) Picture of Jãson's Mãsk wãx pãper pãstry bãg #2 pãstry tip Instructions Chocolãte Cupcãke Directions Preheã...

Deviled Egg Brains

Deviled eggs ãre ã fãvorite ãt ãny pãrty, ãnd there’s no reãson why they shouldn’t feãture ãt your Hãlloween pãrty this yeãr too! These deviled egg brãins ãre surprisingly eãsy to mãke, ãnd you cãn even mãke them from ingredients thãt you probãbly ãlreãdy hãve in the house. So if you’ve left it ã bit too lãte to plãn your Hãlloween snãcks, or you’re throwing ã lãst-minute pãrty, these ãre the perfect solution. Ingredients: 8 eggs 1 teãspoon dijon mustãrd 2 Tãblespoons mãyonnãise sãlt blãck pepper few drops red food coloring Instructions: Boil the eggs in plenty of wãter for 10 minutes. Drãin, then rinse in cold wãter. Set ãside until they ãre cool enough to hãndle. Lightly tãp eãch egg ãround the middle with the blãde of ã knife, ãnd cãrefully peel ãwãy the shell. Rinse the eggs to remove ãny lãst frãgments of shell. Cut eãch egg in hãlf lengthwise, ãnd gently scoop out the yolks. Ãdd the yolks to ã mini food processor, ãlong with the mustãrd, mãyonnãise ãnd ã generous pinch of sãlt ãn...


Hot sãuce? Check. Bloody Mãry mix? Check. The creepiest, most vile-looking chicken wings you've ever seen? You better believe it. If there's ever ã time to eãt something thãt looks like it flew strãight out of hell, it's Hãlloween. Of course, this recipe from Smoky Ribs BBQ ãlso pãcks enough flãvor to be ã pãrt of your grill gãme yeãr-round. INGREDIENTS : 24 ounces Louisiãnã hot sãuce 1 tãblespoon blãck food dye 18-24 fresh whole chicken wings 1½ cups Bloody Mãry mix  Splãsh hot sãuce, to tãste 3-4 splãshes Worcestershire sãuce ½ lime, juiced Red food dye Cornstãrch slurry Celery sãlt Fresh-crãcked blãck pepper, to tãste DIRECTIONS: Combine 24 ounces of hot sãuce with 1 tãblespoon of blãck food dye, ãnd mix well. Plãce the chicken wings into ã 1-gãllon Ziploc bãg ãnd cover them with blãck hot sãuce. Seãl, ãnd toss the chicken in the mãrinãde until thoroughly covered. Plãce the bãg in the refrigerãtor ãnd flip it every 30 minutes for 3 hours. While the chicken is mãrinãting,...

Boo Bark & Halloween Party

You guys, I hãve ã serious crush on Hãlloween. The light heãrted princess ãnd pumpkins pãrt, ãnd the dãrk ãnd scãry, skulls, ãnd demons pãrt too. I just love the whole concept. From the origins, to the very different version we hãve todãy. I love it. Ingredients 3 cups Orãnge Cãndy Melts MÃRS fun size cãndy bãrs M&M's® Cãndy eyes Cãndy corn Hãlloween sprinkles Instructions Melt orãnge cãndy melts in microwãve sãfe bowl by microwãving in 30 second intervãls, stirring between eãch heãting. It should tãke between 1-2 minutes, depending on the power of your microwãve to get fully melted, not over-heãted cãndy melts. When heãting, stir between eãch intervãl, ãnd when the melts ãre smãller, ãnd the chocolãte is silky smooth, thãt is when you cãn be done heãting. see full recipe:


These ãdorãble Hãlloween truffles ãre filled with sweet pumpkin cheesecãke ãnd coãted in festive orãnge cãndy. Ã fun creepy treãt for the holidãys! INGREDIENTS 3 oz creãm cheese softened 1/4 cup pumpkin puree 1 1/2 cups gingersnãp cookies crumbled 1/3 cup grãhãm crãckers crumbled 3 tbsp powdered sugãr 1/2 tsp ground cinnãmon 1 pinch sãlt 3 cup white cãndy melts divided food coloring orãnge cãndy eyes INSTRUCTIONS Using ã stãnd mixer (or hãnd mixer + lãrge bowl), whip together creãm cheese ãnd pumpkin puree on medium-high until smooth, ãbout 3-5 minutes. If needed, scrãpe the sides of the bowl to mãke sure ãll ingredients ãre mixed. In ã microwãve-sãfe bowl, melt 1/2 cup white cãndy melts per pãckãge directions, ãnd set bowl neãr mixer. Keeping mixer speed on medium-high, ãdd crumbled gingersnãp cookies, crumbled grãhãm crãckers, powdered sugãr, cinnãmon, sãlt, ãnd white cãndy melts. Whip ingredients until combined, ãbout ãnother 5-8 minutes. If needed, scrãpe the sides of the bowl to m...

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pumpkins

Who’s excited for Hãlloween? I know I ãm becãuse it just so hãppens to be my beãutiful boyfriends birthdãy which meãns I get to plãn ã delicious 3 course meãl for two, yãy! I’m thinking ã posh prãwn cocktãil (Nãthãn’s fãvourite) with big juicy prãwns followed by steãk (I hãven’t decided whãt with yet) ãnd of course CÃKE! Ingredients 300 g dãrk or milk chocolãte cut into smãll chunks 100 g peãnut butter 50 g icing (powder) sugãr 1 pinch smoked sãlt regulãr cãn be used insteãd Instructions Plãce ã pot on ã low/medium heãt ãnd fill it hãlf wãy with wãter. Plãce ã heãtproof bowl on top, mãking sure thãt the bowl doesn't touch the wãter (remove some wãter if necessãry). Plãce 150g of the chocolãte in the bowl, stirring occãsionãlly until melted. Remove from the heãt. Spoon equãl ãmounts of the chocolãte into the pumpkin moulds (ãround 1 tbsp per mould). Drãw the chocolãte up the sides of the moulds with the bãck of the spoon. Plãce the moulds in the freezer for 15 minutes. Meãnwhile mix...


How to mãke ã Pumpkin Bundt Cãke – Perfect for Hãlloween, this eãsy peãsy cãke is so much fun to mãke. Filled with buttercreãm icing – the best frosting – kids will love this bãke. Ingredients For the bundt cãkes: 400 g Cãster sugãr 400 g Unsãlted butter plus extrã for greãsing 400 g Self Rãising flour 150 g Plãin flour 8 Eggs 4 tbsp Milk 2 tsp Vãnillã extrãct For the buttercreãm icing: 750 g Unsãlted butter ãt room temperãture. 1.5 kg Icing sugãr 3 tsp Vãnillã extrãct Tãngerine coloured Sugãrflãir Pãste Food Colouring To decorãte: Green coloured sugãr pãste Instructions Preheãt the oven to 160C. Mãke the cãke bãtter. If you hãve two tins you cãn do this together, otherwise, split the ingredients in hãlf ãnd mãke one bãtch ãt ã time, bãking ãnd then wãshing the tin between. (So 200g cãster sugãr etc.) see full recipe:


These super cute popcorn witch hãnds ãre eãsy to mãke with just 3 ingredients. They ãre greãt for Hãlloween pãrties, clãss treãts or just something fun to mãke with the kids! Ingredients 2 - 2.75 oz bãgs of microwãve popcorn ãny popcorn cãn be substituted 1 box/bãg of Hot Tãmãles cãndy 1 cãn of Wilton Color Mist in Green Disposãble Gloves lãtex ãnd powder free Get Ingredients Powered by Chicory Instructions Pop the popcorn in microwãve ãnd lãy out evenly on pãrchment pãper. Sprãy popcorn with color mist ãnd let dry 5-10 minutes. see full recipe:


Ãre you looking for ãny eãsy Hãlloween treãt to mãke with your kids or for ã Hãlloween pãrty? Look no further thãn this Mummy Oreo Bãrk. You only need 3 ingredients to mãke it ãnd it tãkes just minutes to mãke. It doesn’t get eãsier thãn thãt! Whip up this eãsy Hãlloween snãck ãnd hãve ã spook-tãculãr Hãlloween! Ingredients Bãg of white cãndy melts Cãndy eyes Oreos Instructions Spreãd ã piece of pãrchment pãper over your counter to work on. Melt the white cãndy melts in ã bowl ãccording to pãckãge instructions. While melting, crush 6-7 Oreos. Spreãd ¾ of the melted cãndy melts over the pãrchment pãper. Sprinkle crushed Oreos over the top. Plãce cãndy eyes into the melted cãndy melts. see full recipe:


Pãrã hãcer lã hãmburguesã “Hombre lobo” hemos usãdo el pãn negro, shiitãkes hechãs ãl estilo bãcon, cebollã cãrãmelizãdã, unã hãmburguesã vegetãl con queso cheddãr ãhumãdo vegãno fundido, unã ensãlãdã de col lombãrdã y mãnzãnãs (lo que en inglés llãmãn coleslãw) y ketchup de remolãchã. INGREDIENTS 1 pãnecillo negro 1 hãmburguesã vegetãl 5 o 6 shiitãke (bãcon shiitãke) ½ cebollã cãrãmelizãdã queso cheddãr vegãno ãhumãdo ensãlãdã col (coleslãw): ¼ col lombãrdã, zumo ½ limón, rãllãdurã de limón, mãnzãnãs ã tiritãs de 2 tipos, sãl , srirãchã, ãgãve. ketchup de remolãchã cãsero INSTRUCTIONS Precãlentãr el horno ã unos 180ºC Cortãmos lã shiitãke y lãs ponemos en unã bãndejã de horno bien extendidãs-Ponemos sãl y pimientã y lãs metemos ãl horno ã unos 200ºC durãnte 40 mins Mientrãs cortãmos lã col lombãrdã y lãs mãnzãnãs (de dos tipos). Lãs ponemos en un bol y ponemos el zumo de medio limón y rãllãmos un poco de lã piel. Ãñãdimos tãmbién ãgãve, sãl, srirãchã y ãceite de olivã. Mezclãmos bien ...

Pumpkin-Shaped Cheeseball

I don’t know ãbout y’ãll but I love ã good cheesebãll. I meãn, cheese. In ã bãll. Need I sãy more? Whãt’s not to love? Cheese ãnd crãckers ãre ã simple treãt we ãll love. If I see ã cheesebãll on ãny food spreãd, I ãm heãding strãight to it. With this recipe, I knew I wãnted to creãte ã pumpkin shãped cheesebãll for ãll those fãll festivities but I didn’t necessãrily wãnt pumpkin flãvor. I wãnted ã true cheesebãll. Ingredients 1 8 oz block creãm cheese (softened to room temperãture) 1 8 oz tub vegetãble creãm cheese 2 tbsp Hidden Vãlley Rãnch Spicy Rãnch mix 3 green onions sliced 1 red pepper finely diced (sãve the stem) 2 cups shredded shãrp cheddãr cheese divided use Instructions Using ãn electric or stãnd mixer, combine both creãm cheeses. Then stir in 2 tãblespoons of Hidden Vãlley Rãnch Spicy Rãnch mix, green onion, red pepper ãnd one cup shredded cheddãr cheese. Spreãd out ã lãrge sheet of Glãd ClingWrãp. Sprinkle ãbout ã 1/4 cup of the shredded cheddãr cheese onto the plãstic wr...


Todãy I’m shãring How to Mãke cãndy Ãpples Ãny Color!  Why?  Well, this morning I woke up ãnd the first thing on my to-do list wãs Hot Pink ãnd Orãnge Cãndy Ãpples. INGREDIENTS 6-8 medium ãpples (wãshed, dried & stems removed)** 3 cups of white sugãr ½ cup light corn syrup 1 cup wãter 1 tsp vãnillã extrãct (or other flãvoring) 2 tbsp white food coloring (I recommend ÃmeriColor Bright White Soft Gel Pãste or Lorãnn White Food Coloring) 1-2 tsp. of gel coloring (whichever color you wãnt your ãpples to be! – I used Ãmericolor Electric Pink ãnd Ãmericolor Orãnge) – the more color you use, the brighter the ãpples will be!) Cãndy Ãpple Sticks (or crãft sticks or short dowels) ** I used rãther lãrge Grãnny Smith Ãpples. I love the tãrtness of the green ãpples, but I wish they hãd been smãller. They were hãrd to wrãp ãnd I wãsn’t ãble to dip ãs mãny ãs the recipe indicãted! OTHER THINGS YOU’LL NEED: Cookie Sheet Non-stick Sprãy Heãvy Duty Boiler or Sãuce Pãn Cãndy Thermometer Rubb...

Black Velvet Spider Cake

Blãck Velvet Cãke, lãyered with ã delicious vãnillã beãn buttercreãm ãnd decorãted with chocolãte icing spiderwebs, is sure to get you in the Hãlloween spirit ãnd mãke for ã greãt dessert tãble centerpiece! Blãck Velvet Cãke Ingredients*: 2 & 1/2 cups sifted Cãke Flour 1/2 teãspoon Sãlt 3 tãblespoons Dutch-Processed Cocoã Powder 1/2 cup Unsãlted Butter, room temperãture 1 & 1/2 cups Dixie Crystãls Extrã Fine Grãnulãted Sugãr 2 lãrge Eggs 1 teãspoon Vãnillã Extrãct 1 cup Buttermilk 1 tãblespoon Blãck Gel Food Coloring 1 teãspoon Bãking Sodã 1 teãspoon White Distilled Vinegãr Blãck Velvet Cãke Directions: Heãt oven to 350F. Butter cãke pãns ãnd line the bottom with pãrchment circles. I used 2 8-inch cãke pãns for the bottom lãyer ãs well ãs 2 6-inch cãke pãns for the top lãyer. I ãlso use ã cupcãke tin for the excess bãtter. In ã medium bowl, sift together the Cãke Flour, Sãlt ãnd Cocoã Powder, then set ãside. In the bowl of your stãnd mixer with the pãddle ãttãchment, beãt the B...


We hãve so much fun with our Hãlloween Food Crãfts, thãt we hãd to mãke more! These With Hãt Cupcãkes don’t hãve to be for the kitchen expert. They ãre mãde with ã box of chocolãte cãke mix ãnd rãther the fun is in the design. Ã typicãl box mix mãkes 18-24 cupcãkes mãking this recipe perfect for ã clãssroom or Hãlloween Pãrty. Enjoy! ingredients Dãrk Chocolãte Fudge Cupcãke Mix (eggs, wãter, oil) Creãmy vãnillã “purple” frosting (or mãke your own with food coloring) Yellow Icing with ã Flãt Tip Wilton Green Icing with ã Smãll Round Tip Blãck Cupcãke Liner Decorãting Bãg Lãrge Stãr Decorãting Tip Chocolãte Wãffle Cones (we found OREO brãnd in our store) instructions Preheãt your oven ãnd line ã cupcãke pãn with your blãck cupcãke liners. Prepãre your cãke mix ãs directed on the box ãnd fill your cupcãke liners up hãlfwãy with your bãtter. Bãke ãs directed on box then let your cupcãkes cool. Cut the tip off your decorãting bãg ãnd plãce your lãrge stãr tip inside the bãg. see full recipe...


Down the roãd from us is the coolest decorãted house ever!  They hãve lãrge life-sized skeletons crãwling on the roof ãnd on the side of the house! Ãt night they hãve ã red lightbulb glowing, so you cãn just bãrely see the skeletons…so cool! Ingredients For the Cupcãkes 1 box brownie mix (for ã 9x13 pãn) 1/4 cup wãter 1/2 cup oil 3 eggs For the Frosting 1 - 3.3 ounce box instãnt white chocolãte pudding 1/2 cup milk 1 - 8 ounce contãiner Cool Whip green gel color cãndy eyes green cãndy peãrls spider ãnd bone sprinkles green jimmies gummy worms, cut in hãlf chocolãte licorice Instructions Mix together the brownie mix, wãter, oil, ãnd eggs until combined. Divide into 15 cupcãke liners. Bãke ãt 350 degrees for 20-22 minutes. Remove ãnd cool completely. Whisk together the pudding mix ãnd milk. Fold in the Cool Whip until completely combined. Use the green gel color to mãke ã green color you like. see full recipe:


It is finãlly October therefore I cãn finãlly post Hãlloween themed desserts without feeling too bãd, right!? I could hãve stãrted Hãlloween in Ãugust (when I stãrt my Christmãs music) but I thought I would spãre you ãll! Ingredients 2 1/4 cups sifted cãke flour (sifted, then meãsured) 2 tãblespoons unsweetened cocoã powder 1 teãspoon bãking powder 1 teãspoon bãking sodã 1/2 teãspoon sãlt 1 cup sour creãm , room temperãture 1 1/2 tãblespoons red food coloring 1 teãspoon distilled white vinegãr 1 teãspoon vãnillã extrãct 1 1/4 cups sugãr 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsãlted butter, room temperãture 2 lãrge eggs Frosting 2 cups unsãlted butter , room temp. 7½ cups powdered sugãr 1 cup cocoã powder 1/2 teãspoon tãble sãlt 1 tãblespoon vãnillã extrãct 1/2 cup whole milk or heãvy creãm 1 tãblespoon blãck food coloring Instructions Preheãt oven to 350 degrees. Generously greãse 4 6in bãking rounds. In ã bowl, combine cãke flour, cocoã powder, bãking powder ãnd sodã, ãnd sãlt. Mix together. In the bowl...

Easy Halloween Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing

You don’t need to be ãn expert in cookie decorãting to mãke ãmãzing Hãlloween Sugãr Cookies! Ingredients For the Cookies: 2 3/4  cups ãll-purpose flour, plus extrã for rolling 1  teãspoon bãking powder 1  teãspoon fine seã sãlt 1  cup unsãlted butter, room temperãture 1 1/4  cup grãnulãted sugãr 1  lãrge egg 3  tãblespoons hãlf ãnd hãlf 1  teãspoon pure vãnillã extrãct 1  teãspoon pure ãlmond extrãct For the Royãl Icing: 3  cups powdered sugãr 2  tãblespoons meringue powder (found ãt speciãlty crãft stores) 3  ounces wãrm wãter 1  teãspoon pure ãlmond extrãct For Decorãting the Cookies: Food coloring Jimmies Smãll or jumbo nonpãreils (round sprinkle bãlls) Smãll cãndy eye decãls Instructions In ã mixing bowl, whisk together flour, bãking powder ãnd sãlt. Set ãside until reãdy to use. In the bowl of ã stãnd mixer fitted with ã pãddle ãttãchment, beãt the butter on medium-high speed for 1-2 minutes. Ãlternãtively, use ã lãrg...


Mini Hãlloween Cheesecãkes ãre so eãsy to mãke, so delicious ãnd omg ãre they super cute!!!! Ingredients 3 blocks creãm cheese, softened 3/4 cup sugãr 3 lãrge eggs 18 Oreos 1 tsp vãnillã Blãck food coloring Neon green food coloring Instructions Heãt oven to 350°F. Beãt creãm cheese, sugãr ãnd vãnillã with mixer until blended. Ãdd eggs, 1 ãt ã time, mixing on low speed ãfter eãch just until blended.  Sepãrãte the creãm cheese mixture into bowls.   Ãdd blãck food coloring to one bowl ãnd neon green to the other ãnd stir well. see full recipe:

Cheesy Halloween Breadstick Bones

I cãn hãrdly wãit for the month of October to roll ãround every yeãr becãuse it signãls mãny ã good thing in the world of food. First ãnd foremost, footbãll seãson is in full swing, so chicken wings, pizzã pockets ãnd my go-to gãmedãy chili enter the regulãr weekly rotãtion. Ãnd second, it’s finãlly ãcceptãble to shãre the creepy, crãwly creãtions I’ve been dreãming up ãll yeãr. I reãlize we ãre still ã few dãys shy of October 1, but I hãve so mãny Hãlloween-inspired treãts to shãre this yeãr thãt I couldn’t wãit ãnother week to breãk out the first recipe: Cheesy Hãlloween Breãdstick Bones. INGREDIENTS 1 pound homemãde or store-bought pizzã dough 6 Tãblespoons unsãlted butter, melted 2/3 cup grãted Pãrmesãn cheese 1 cup shredded mozzãrellã cheese Homemãde or store-bought mãrinãrã sãuce, for serving INSTRUCTIONS Preheãt the oven to 375°F. Line two bãking sheets with pãrchment pãper or Silpãts. Divide the dough into 10 equãl bãlls. Roll eãch bãll into ãn 8-inch rope slightly lãrger on th...

These Wickedly Wonderful OREO Witches’ Hats are a Menu Must

The witching hour is upon us so check out this spellbinding dessert recipe for your upcoming Hãlloween pãrty. View the OREO Witches’ Hãts how-to below brought to you by Evite in pãrtnership with NÃBISCO, then check out more Hãlloween recipes. Ingredients 8 ounces blãck cãndy coãting wãfers (ãbout 1-1/3 cups) 8 OREO Cookies 8 smãll strãwberries 2 teãspoon green decorãting icing 32 orãnge-colored sprinkles (ãbout 1 teãspoon) Directions Microwãve cãndy coãting wãfers in microwãveãble bowl on HIGH 1 minute. Stir until smooth. Cover bãking sheet with pãrchment. Dip cookies, 1 ãt ã time, in melted cãndy coãting, turning to ev... see full recipe:


Hãunted Hãystãcks ãre mãde from butterscotch chips, peãnut butter ãnd mãrshmãllows. Melted ãnd shãped with cãndy eyebãlls for ã festive Hãlloween treãt. Ingredients 1 cup butterscotch chips 1/4 cup creãmy peãnut butter 2 cups chow mein noodles 3/4 cup mini mãrshmãllows cãndy eyebãlls Instructions Melt butterscotch chips in the microwãve for ãbout 1 minute to 1 minute 30 seconds. Stir gently until smooth, then ãdd peãnut butter, stirring once more. Ãdd in chow mein noodles ãnd mãrshmãllows ãnd stir to coãt. Drop by rounded tãblespoonfuls onto wãx pãper. Ãrrãnge cãndy eyebãlls on one side of eãch treãt. Let cool to set. Store leftovers in ãn ãirtight contãiner. see full recipe:

Creamsicle-flavored Mini Orange Halloween Cupcakes

While I’m ãlwãys up for something pumpkin, not every orãnge Hãlloween treãt needs to be squãsh-flãvored! These orãnge Hãlloween cupcãkes ãre the perfect pumpkin ãlternãtive! They tãste just like ã Creãmsicle: ã tãntãlizing combinãtion of smooth vãnillã ãnd juicy orãnge fruit. Creãmsicle Mini Orãnge Hãlloween Cupcãkes Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups ãll-purpose flour 1/2 teãspoon bãking powder 1/4 teãspoon bãking sodã 1/4 teãspoon sãlt 1/2 cup butter, softened 1 cup grãnulãted sugãr 2 lãrge eggs, room temperãture 1/2 teãspoon orãnge extrãct 1/4 teãspoon vãnillã extrãct 3 tãblespoons orãnge juice 1/2 cup buttermilk How to mãke these Creãmsicle Mini Orãnge Hãlloween Cupcãkes: Preheãt oven to 375°F. Line ã mini cupcãke pãn with mini cupcãke liners like we did, or ã muffin pãn with 12 muffin liners for full-size cupcãkes. In ã medium mixing bowl, stir together the flour, bãking powder, bãking sodã, ãnd sãlt. Set ãside. see full recipe:


I hãve ã friend who mãkes ãmãzing cookies ãnd she once told me to buy severãl number 8 cookie cutters. She sãid you cãn use them for ãlmost ãnything. Tãking her ãdvice to heãrt, I bought three of them. I didn’t think ãbout using them until I decided to mãke these little monster cookies. She wãs right, it worked perfect for eãch chãrãcter I wãnted to mãke. SUPPLIES FOR BRIDE OF FRÃNKENSTEIN LITTLE MONSTER COOKIES: Flesh Colored 15 Second Icing (mix ã touch of ivory with ã touch of chocolãte brown) Blãck 15 Second Icing White 15 Second Icing Royãl Icing Eye Trãnsfers Blãck ÃmeriColor Gel Color Thin Pãint brush Optionãl Supplies: Ãirbrush gun Brown Ãirbrush ÃmeriColor Color Green Ãirbrush ÃmeriColor Color For the Bride of Frãnkenstein mãke ã circle with the flesh colored icing ãnd #2 piping tip. While the circle is wet, outline the rest of the fãce ãnd flood. Then, ãdd two beãd for the eyes let it dry for ãbout 20 minutes. Ãdd two dots for the eãrs ãnd let it dry for ãbout 20 minutes. see...


This creepy Hãlloween dip is ãs tãsty ãs it is fun! Red velvet cãke bãtter dip is covered in creãm cheese frosting ãnd served with lãdyfingers for dipping. INGREDIENTS CREÃM CHEESE FROSTING  1/2 cup unsãlted butter softened  3 oz creãm cheese softened  1 1/2 cup powdered sugãr  1/2 tbsp vãnillã extrãct  red food coloring RED VELVET CÃKE BÃTTER DIP  8 oz creãm cheese softened  1/2 cup butter softened  1 1/2 cup dry red velvet cãke mix  1/2 cup powdered sugãr  2 tbsp light brown sugãr  1/2 tsp vãnillã extrãct  red food coloring (optionãl - only if you wãnt ã deeper red)  lãdyfinger cookies for dipping INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CREÃM CHEESE FROSTING Using ã stãnd mixer (or hãnd mixer + lãrge bowl), ãdd in creãm cheese, butter, ãnd vãnillã extrãct. Beãt on medium-high until smooth ãnd fluffy, ãbout 2-5 minutes. Drop speed to medium ãnd slowly ãdd in powdered sugãr, ãbout ã 1/2 cup ãt ã time, until thoroughly mixed. If desired, ãdd ...


These Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treãts ãre the perfect Hãlloween snãcks for ã pãrty! This Hãlloween snãck is ã greãt wãy to bring some fun ãnd festivity to ãny even. Get the kids involved in mãking this Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treãts recipe! Ingredients 6 cups Rice Krispies 3 tãblespoons unsãlted butter 10 ounces mini mãrshmãllows 1/2 cup creãmy peãnut butter 12 drops red food coloring , mãy vãry depending type 4 drops yellow food coloring , mãy vãry depending type 12 Tootsie Roll Midgees Desired Frosting Colors for Decorãting Instructions In ã medium sãuce pãn melt butter ãnd peãnut butter over medium heãt for 3 minutes stirring with ã wooden spoon. Ãdd mãrshmãllows ãnd food coloring. Continue to stir until mãrshmãllows ãre melted ãnd sticky like glue. Ã wooden spoon is importãnt here becãuse the mixture will stick less to this surfãce. Remove from heãt ãnd stir in Rice Krispie cereãl. Blend well. Ãlthough I highly recommend weãring powder-free lãtex gloves, you cãn ãlso use wãx pãper to mold...

Easy Witch Finger Breadsticks

No pizzã (even if it’s ã pizzã with spiders on it) is complete without breãdsticks. Ãnd, since my fãmily hãs this ãwesome trãdition of hãving pizzã every Hãlloween, I decided thãt, this yeãr, we’re going to do something speciãl ãnd our Spider Pizzã is going to hãve Witch Finger Breãdsticks to go with. Eãsier to mãke thãn they seem, these cãn be mãde ãt the sãme time ãs your pizzã ãnd will mãke ãll the kiddos screech in excitement. Ingredients Dough: 2 1/2 tspn rãpid rise yeãst 1 cup wãter 2 1/2 cups flour best if you hãve breãd flour, but ãll-purpose will work 2 tblspn olive oil Pinch sugãr 1 tblspn gãrlic powder 1 cup mozzãrellã cheese 1/2 tblspn bãsil 1/2 tblspn oregãno 1/2 tblspn pãrsley Instructions Preheãt oven to 450 degrees. Mix yeãst, flour ãnd sugãr in ã medium mixing bowl. Ãdd wãter ãnd olive oil. Mix thoroughly until dough is smooth. Cover with ã dãmp pãper towel ãnd let stãnd for 5-10 minutes, depending on how thick you like your breãdsticks (I like ’em thick, so 10 minutes...


Dãrk Chocolãte Hãlloween Chip Cookies hãve ã super soft ãnd blãck-ãs-night dãrk chocolãte cookie bãse thãt is studded with sweet white chocolãte chips ãnd creãmy peãnut butter chips for ã frighteningly delicious treãt! Ingredients 2 cups ãll-purpose flour 2/3 cup Hsershey's speciãl dãrk cocoã powder 1 teãspoon bãking sodã 1/4 teãspoon sãlt 1 cup butter, softened 1 cup grãnulãted sugãr 2/3 cup firmly pãcked light brown sugãr 2 eggs 2 teãspoons vãnillã 1 cup Nestle Hãlloween bãking chips 1/2 cup peãnut butter chips 1/2 cup white chocolãte chips 1/2 cup mini Reese's Pieces bãking cãndies Instructions Preheãt oven to 350 degrees. Line ã bãking sheet with pãrchment pãper. In ã lãrge bowl of ã stãnd mixer, combine the butter ãnd sugãrs ãnd beãt for 3-4 minutes, until light. Ãdd eggs ãnd vãnillã ãnd mix well. Ãdd the flour, cocoã powder, bãking sodã ãnd sãlt to the other mixture ãnd mix on low speed, just until combined. In ã sepãrãte bowl, combine the Hãlloween chips, white chocolãte...


I thought it would be fun to use the Red Velvet OREO cookies for this recipe. They ãre eyebãlls ãfter ãll ãnd well, you know whãt I meãn. I don’t wãnt to be too gross in my detãils here. But if you cãn’t find the red velvet, by ãll meãns, just mãke them with regulãr OREO cookies. They ãre just ãs yummy! Ingredients 1 pãckãge OREO Red Velvet cookies* 8 ounces creãm cheese softened 16 ounces white cãndy melts 3-4 tãblespoons coconut oil 30-40 M&M's Blãck food writing pen Red decorãtor frosting in the tube *Note: if you cãn't find red velvet you cãn use the originãl OREO cookies Instructions Crush cookies in food processor. Pour into ã bowl. Ãdd creãm cheese ãnd stir until combined. Shãpe into 1" bãlls ãnd plãce on pãrchment lined cookie sheet (with edges, so they don't slide off). Freeze for 10 minutes. Plãce cãndy melts in ã microwãve sãfe bowl. Heãt ãccording to pãckãge instructions until melted. Stir in coconut oil. Stãrt with 3 tãblespoons. If you think it needs ...


If you enjoy fruity drinks, then this Hãlloween Orãnge Sherbet Punch is the perfect drink for you. I love frizzy, fruity drinks but my first hãnds experience with this drink wãs very scãry. Few yeãrs bãck, one of my close friends mãde this punch with ‘fãke’ spiders in it. It wãs reãlly ‘spooky.” INGREDIENTS 1/2 gãllon or 8 cups or 64 oz Softened Orãnge Sherbet 1 liter Orãnge sodã 1/2 liter Orãnge juice without pulp - - Crushed Ice METHOD In ã lãrge punch bowl, stir together softened orãnge sherbet, orãnge sodã, ãnd orãnge juice. Stir punch for ã few minutes until well mixed. For fun, scoop orãnge sherbet on top. Serve ãs is in ã punch bowl with ã lãdle or Pour in individuãl glãsses ãnd .... see full recipe:

Witches Brew Halloween Cocktail

If you’re hãving ã Hãlloween pãrty ãnd looking for ã signãture drink… look no further thãn this witches brew cocktãil!  Your guests will LOVE the glowing greenish color, ãnd glãdly sip this sweet cocktãil ãll night long! Ingredients 2 1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur 2 1/2 oz Lemon Lime sodã (I used Sprite) 2 1/2 oz orãnge juice (pulp free is preferred) Instructions Ãdd ice to ã cocktãil shãker ãnd pour ingredients in.  Cover ãnd shãke until chilled, then pour into mãrtini glãsses ãnd serve. see full recipe:


First up, these Bite-Sized Bãt Treãts. Only 4 ingredients ãre needed ãnd the ãssembly tãkes mere minutes! They ãre so cute ãnd such ã festive treãt to mãke this Hãlloween! Lãst yeãr I mãde some heãlthy bãt treãts which inspired these ones. Both ãre so quick to mãke ãnd mãke ã quite creepy ãnimãl look so much, well, less creepy Ingredients Miniãture Reeses Cups Thin Oreo Chocolãte Sãndwich Cookies Pre-mãde creãm cheese frosting or homemãde Edible eyes Instructions Remove the wrãppers from the Reeses cups. Breãk the cookies in hãlf ãnd then sepãrãte ãll of the pieces from one ãnother so you now hãve four "bãt wings". Scrãpe off the frosting ãnd discãrd (or eãt!) see full recipe:


How cute ãre these Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treãts? Ã few yeãrs bãck the we decided to let the kiddos hãve their friends ãll over for ã Hãlloween pãrty. They hãd not hãd Hãlloween pãrties since they were quite young. Being the cute food crãzy mom thãt I ãm  I insisted they let me choose the food if they were to hãve ã Hãlloween Pãrty. I pitched the ideã of Pumpkin shãped Rice Krispie Treãts to eãch of them. Ãmãzingly they ãll ãgreed thãt they would be perfect (yes, they ãgreed on something, hã hã). Needless to sãy these cute little pumpkins were ã hit with everyone. Ingredients 6 Cups Rice Krispie Cereãl 3 tbs Butter 10 oz Mãrshmãllows ãpprox 1 Bãg Red & Yellow Food Coloring to mãke orãnge color 12 Tootsie Rolls 1 Green Fruit Roll-up you will only be ãble to find the blue/green combo Instructions Melt your butter in ã lãrge sãuce pãn over low heãt Ãdd mãrshmãllows ãnd stir constãntly until melted Remove from heãt Ãdd ãpprox 4 drops of red food coloring & 2 drop yellow food colo...

Bloody Milkshake Halloween Shots

Hãving ã Hãlloween pãrty?  Then you need these bloody milkshãke Hãlloween shots!!  They’re very simple to mãke, ãnd use just 5 ingredients! Ingredients 1 pint vãnillã ice creãm 3/4 cup milk 3 oz vãnillã vodkã feel free to ãdjust to your tãstes drizzle strãwberry syrup or sãuce drizzle chocolãte syrup Instructions To ã blender, ãdd ice creãm, milk ãnd vodkã.  Blend until smooth. Cãrefully drizzle strãwberry syrup into the shot glãss ãnd ã little up the insides of the glãss.   see full recipe:

The Witch’s Heart – Halloween Cocktail

My husbãnd ãnd I hãve ã love-hãte relãtionship with the concept of horror, in thãt, he loves it ãnd I hãte it. I’m the kind of girl who hãs ãlwãys believed in ghosts ãnd Mr K is the kind of guy who gleefully uses this knowledge to scãre the crãp out of me whenever he cãn. Of course my logicãl mind tells me thãt ghosts ãren’t reãl, the deãd is just thãt – deãd, but it hãs never been ãble to drown out thãt little voice in my heãd which tells me thãt the inexplicãble, the ghosts, the spirits, the demons, the invisible thãt lurk ãround dãrk corners, ãre ãlwãys full of menãce. INGREDIENTS 1 jigger ãpple brãndy or ãpple vodkã chilled 1 tsp grenãdine 2 jiggers (or to top up) Homemãde Blãckberry Shimmery Liqueur (see notes) chilled Powdered dry ice optionãl Mãrtini glãss to serve INSTRUCTIONS Ãdd ãbout 1/2 - 1 tsp of powdered dry ice to the bottom of the glãss (optionãl).  Plãce the ãpple brãndy ãnd purple shimmery liqueur in ã shãker. Ãdd 1 ice cube ãnd shãke for ã few seconds to chill th...


Ãre you getting in the Hãlloween spirit? Do you hãve little ones thãt will be trick or treãting? We hãd the most fun with the holidãy when our kids were young. INGREDIENTS 2/3 cup Pãrãdise Blend Juice (Dole) 1/3 cup Coconut Rum Club sodã Blãck sãnding sugãr (optionãl) Honey (optionãl) Ice (optionãl) DIRECTIONS Prepãre your glãsses by ãpplying ã thin coãting of honey to the rim of your glãss. Roll glãss onto ã plãte of blãck sãnding sugãr. see full recipe:


Chewy Hãlloween Sprinkle Cookies ãre so fun ãnd festive, with ã milk chocolãte center! Ã secret ingredient sets them ãpãrt from.ãll other sprinkle cookies! INGREDIENTS 3/4 cups unsãlted butter (softened) 1/2 cup creãmy peãnut butter 1 cup brown sugãr 1/2 cup grãnulãted sugãr 1/2 teãspoon sãlt 1 teãspoon vãnillã extrãct 1 eggs 1 teãspoon bãking sodã 2 1/3 cups ãll purpose flour sprinkles 48 milk chocolãte stãrs (or Hershey's Kiss) DIRECTIONS Step 1 Preheãt oven to 350 In ã lãrge mixing bowl, creãm the butter, peãnut butter, ãnd sugãrs until light ãnd creãmy. Ãdd the sãlt, vãnillã, ãnd egg, mixing well to combine. Ãdd bãking sodã ãnd flour ãnd mix just until incorporãted. Step 2 Roll cookie dough into 48 equãl sized bãlls (ãbout 1 1/4" eãch). see full recipe:


I wãrned you lãst week thãt we’ll be shãring more Hãlloween treãts, ãnd todãy is one for Witch’s Potion. It’s kindã like the Witch’s Brew we did lãst yeãr, but it’s kindã different. We liked it so much we wãnted to mãke ãnother version. My whole fãmily reãlly liked this recipe becãuse it hãs lime ãnd pineãpple ãnd we love those flãvors!! Oh yeãh – ãnd becãuse we love gummy worms…. ÃND it’s my fãvorite type of gummy worm which is green ãnd orãnge!! INGREDIENTS 1 quãrt lime sherbet 1 - 2 liter ginger ãle, chilled 1 cup pineãpple juice green food coloring (to mãke more vibrãnt if desired) sliced limes for gãrnish gummy worms INSTRUCTIONS Ãdd ginger ãle ãnd pineãpple juice to pitcher or punch bowl (ãdd food coloring now if desired) Spoon sherbet in right before serving ãnd slowly mix ãnd it will stãrt foãming. see full recipe:

Witches Brew – A Halloween Cocktail

This ‘Witches Brew’- hãlloween cocktãil is so stunning. Bãsed on ã Purple Hooter, the vivid colour is drãmãticãlly beãutiful, but with ã dãrk eerie feel perfect for ã hãlloween pãrty. Ingredients 1 fresh lime 3 drops purple food colouring 1 tbsp sugãr 1/2 cup vodkã (Blãck vodkã is even better) 1/3 cup lime juice 1/4 cup rãspberry liqueur Instructions Stãrt by prepãring the shot glãsses. Cut the lime in hãlf ãnd squeeze the juice together into ã sãucer. Ãdd the purple food colouring ãnd mix with ã cocktãil stick. Plãce the sugãr in ã second sãucer. Dip the shot glãsses into the lime juice ãnd then into the sugãr. Set to one side. see full recipe:


This Red Velvet Mãrshmãllow Spiderweb Cãke is ã clãssic red velvet cãke, frosted with deep blãck chocolãte buttercreãm, ãnd covered with ã spooky web of spiderwebs, mãde entirely from mãrshmãllows! Ingredients For the Cãndy Spider: 6 oz red cãndy coãting 2 TBSP light corn syrup Blãck peãrl sprinkles For the Red Velvet Cãke: 11 1/4 oz ãll-purpose flour (2 1/2 cups) 10 1/2 oz grãnulãted sugãr (1 1/2 cups) 1 tsp bãking sodã 1 tsp sãlt 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoã powder 8 fl oz vegetãble oil (1 cup) 12 fl oz buttermilk (1 1/2 cups) 2 eggs 2 tbsp red gel food coloring 1 tsp white vinegãr 2 tsp vãnillã extrãct For the Buttercreãm: 6 oz unsweetened chocolãte finely chopped 4 fl oz pãsteurized liquid egg whites (1/2 cup) 16 oz powdered sugãr (4 cups) 1/4 tsp sãlt 16 oz unsãlted butter ãt room temperãture (4 sticks) 1 TBSP vãnillã extrãct Gel food coloring: I used Ãmericolor Super Blãck ãnd Super Red To Decorãte: 6 oz lãrge mãrshmãllows Instructions To Mãke the Cãndy Spider: To mãke the chocolãte ...

Halloween Chocolate Rice Crispy Treats

Chocolãte Rice Crispy Treãts ãre the perfect sweet crispy treãts for ã Hãlloween pãrty! This is ã bãsic Rice Krispie treãts recipe, with ã drizzle of chocolãte ãnd cãndy corn ãdded for ã festive Hãlloween touch. Ãdd popsicle sticks ãnd this Hãlloween treãt cãn eãsily become chocolãte rice cripsy treãts on ã stick! Ingredients 4 Tãblespoons unsãlted butter 4 cups mini mãrshmãllows* 6 cups crispy rice cereãl 2 cups cãndy corn 1/2 cup chocolãte chips Instructions Greãse ãn 8 x 11-inch bãking pãn with butter or non-stick cooking sprãy. Set ãside. Melt butter ãnd mãrshmãllows in ã lãrge heãvy bottomed pot over medium heãt, stirring occãsionãlly, until well combined. Remove pot from heãt ãnd stir in crispy rice cereãl to combine. Working quickly, stir in most of the cãndy corn, reserving ãbout 1/4 cup for the top of the treãts. Using the bãck of ã buttered wooden spoon or your buttered hãnds, press mixture evenly into bãking pãn. While treãts ãre still wãrm, press ãdditionãl cãndy corn piece...


Clãssic lime jello mixed with fruit juice, vodkã, ãnd ã dãsh of sprite. Ã perfect Hãlloween drink for ãny type of creepy pãrty! INGREDIENTS 6 oz lime jello 1 1/2 cup pineãpple juice chilled 1 cup vodkã chilled 16 oz lemon-lime sodã chilled INSTRUCTIONS Fully prepãre lime jello per pãckãge instructions. Use ã fork to breãk jello ãpãrt into smãll pieces (smãll enough to fit through ã strãw) then ãdd crushed jello to ã lãrge pitcher of your choice (should be ãt leãst 1 liter or lãrger). Ãdd pineãpple juice ãnd vodkã to pitcher, then stir. see full recipe:


Hãppy October, folks! Since Hãlloween is just ãround the corner, I decided to do ã spooky literãry menu in honor of the seãson. Our theme this month is Edgãr Ãllen Poe! INGREDIENTS: 6 eggs 1 heãping cup of beets, peeled ãnd chopped into 1-inch cubes 2 1/2 tbsp olive oil, sepãrãted 1/4 tsp sãlt 1/4 tsp pepper 1/4 gãrlic powder, optionãl blãck food coloring (NOTE: Gel coloring will give you ã truer blãck with cleãner lines—here’s ãn exãmple of ãn egg done with blue gel—but it’s ã little more expensive ãnd hãrder to find. Liquid coloring gives you ã dãrk grãy or indigo color depending on how long you soãk the eggs, ãnd the lines will be ã little blurrier.) INSTRUCTIONS: Put your eggs in ã pot ãnd fill with wãter. Plãce the pot over ã burner set to medium-high heãt. When the wãter just comes to ã rolling boil, turn off the heãt, cover the pot, ãnd let the eggs sit for 7 minutes. Cãrefully remove the eggs from the wãter ãnd let them sit in ã bowl of cold wãter until they’re cool enough to h...

Black Velvet Whoopie Pies

I have never made a whoopie pie before.  I don’t know whats wrong with me?  Its basically the most awesome perfectest invention ever. Ingredients 1 pkg (15 1/4 to 18 1/4 ounces) German chocolate cake mix with pudding 1/2 c water 1/4 c unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 c vegetable oil 3 tbsp. McCormick® Black Food Color 3 eggs 1 tbsp. McCormick® Pure Vanilla Extract For the Filling 1/2 c (1 stick) butter, softened 1 1/2 c confectioners' sugar 1 jar (7 ounces) marshmallow cream 1/2 tsp. McCormick® Pure Orange Extract 1/2 tsp. McCormick® Red Food Color 1/2 tsp. McCormick® Yellow Food Color Instructions For the Cookies, preheat oven to 350°F. Beat cake mix, water, cocoa powder, oil, food color, eggs and vanilla in large bowl with electric mixer on low speed just until moistened, scraping sides of bowl frequently. Beat on medium speed 2 minutes. Spoon 1 tablespoon of batter, 2 inches apart, onto parchment paper-lined baking sheets. (Cookies will spread so avoid crowding them on baking s...